Solving one of society’s problems
The Big Yellow Bus Project opened its doors on Christmas Eve 2018 to support rough sleepers.
Due to the bus being shut down when lockdown began in March 2020, we desperately tried to come up with a plan of action to be able to support the homeless alongside the council.
With a flood of support from our community we were able to provide an emergency shelter throughout the pandemic. This would not of been possible without the kind hearted community. Especially, the unit owner Jonathan Seymour-Williams and Property Consultant John Hayward, they and their teams have been fantastic and very supportive.
Through changing times our aims are to support…
The wellbeing of all adults within our community.
To offer interventions to help those that need to get their life back on track, working towards preventing homelessness.
Bridging the gap to avoid homelessness by providing support to those who are going through the process of finding alternative accommodation.

Homelessness in Cirencester
Homelessness is often thought of as those rough sleeping on our streets, often in shop doorways or in tents. However, many of those who do not have a home of their own are hidden, sleeping on someone’s sofa or in car or van.
Circumstances directly related to the pandemic has led to an increase in those losing their homes such as job losses and business failures alongside a large number of people sadly having to flee domestic violence and seek safe refuge.